Lesson 1 - Basics Steps for building a form: 1. Design your form on paper. 2. Enter text onto blank form (Lesson 1) You are here 3. Add input fields to form (Lesson 2) 4. Add borders to your form (Lesson 3) 5. Add special printer control functions (Lesson 4) You should proceed through these lessons in order. If you make any mistakes just reload the form and begin editing again. To move the cursor about this form, use the arrow keys. [Try it]. If you loose your place, press Home and page down to where you This form has 116 lines and 133 columns. You can move the cursor to column were. 133 by holding down the control key and pressing the right arrow key. [Try it.] To get back to column 1, hold down the control key and press the left You can also move the cursor right and left 8 columns at a time by using the arrow key. [Try it.] Tab and Backtab (shift-Tab) keys. [Try it.] To see the next 24 lines of this form, press PgDn. Cursor and Text Entry To enter text onto your form, move the cursor to where you want to place the text, then type. Note the top line. It will show you the line and column where the cursor is on the screen. It also shows the attribute of the character where the cursor is (attributes covered in Lesson 2). Cursor: 24, 1 | 07 row, col| attribute Try moving the cursor to inside this box and type anything. You can also move about your form using the following keys: Move down form 23 lines Move up form 23 lines Place cursor at line 1, column 1 Place cursor at last line of form, column 133 The last line of this form is defined on the main menu: 116 To continue with this lesson, press PgDn. Inserting and Deleting Lines Move the cursor to the blinking *. Then press ^N (hold down Ctrl and press N). This inserts a blank line before the line containing the cursor. Inserting line Inserting line Inserting line Inserting line Now press ^Y. This delete the line containing the cursor. Copying Lines Move the cursor to the blinking . Then press F5 twice. This picks the line so you can copy it elsewhere. Now move the cursor down 2 lines and press F6 twice. A copy will be inserted before that line. Pick this line Don't pick this line. Don't pick this line. Insert here. To continue with this lesson, press PgDn. Placing Current Date and Time On Your Form. Move the cursor to the ' ' below and press ^D (hold down Ctrl, press D). Move the cursor to the ' ' below and press ^T. Avoid ^C or ^Break as this will abort the program! DATE: TIME: This will make the date and time a permanent part of your form. There is a way to have the date and time update automatically whenever you execute your form. This will be covered later in Lesson 4. 5Practice: Re-type the contents of the first box below in the second box. Name: Phone Number: Employee Number: 8Now use the backspace key inside the second box. UNote how it erases the preceding character as it backs up. KNow press the 'Ins' key and see an 'Ins' appear on the top line. EType some more characters and backspaces and notice the change. bPress PgDn. To next lesson: Press ESC twice. [Return to Main Menu] FPress F5, F10, select 'LESSON2', Enter. [Load LESSON2] FPress F3 twice. ![Begin Editing] To DOS: Press ESC twice. [Return to Main Menu] FPress ESC twice again. [Return to DOS] If you end up way out here, just press Home, and then PgDn to where you were.